Saturday, February 28, 2009

Braving the Jellies

It has been a busy few weeks. We love our congregation and this town. We had 2 girls from Spain living with us for 10 days o and became very close friends with them. We also have gotten really close to all the couples and need greaters from other countries who serve in our hall. Between going to another town called Cartenas to help out the 3 publishers and have adventures and going surefing with our japanese brothers life has been full of fun. The beaches have all of a sudden become a home for jelly fish though so its a little bit interesting going for runs on the bay in the morning. Here are a few pictures of our latest adventures...

The fire dancers on the beach in front of our house

In service in Cartenas with Joaquin and Carolina

Fun times with friends at Blythe and Andras house ( kind of a welcome here for Monica and Alan from Czech Republic)

This is the Circus we woke up to in our back yard. Yes at the bottom of my stairs there were 3 ostritches, a monkey and a lion ... oh and a midget that i ended up placing a tract with.

A agua mala or jelly fish on the beach

Our temporary roomates from Spain Chole and Karina Yoshito an MS in our hall stretching for getting ready to hit the big waves of maderas

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Fall Nights